Peter L. Dumont's Civil War Site Themes    
Zouaves and Uniforms

Zouave Video (12 min)
Zouaves and their uniforms seemed to be fascinating to Peter, as they are to many people today. He wrote about seeing soldiers in Zouave uniforms, and sketched them in letters in an old Bible (see Zouaves under Videos and under Sketch Photos on the home page.) In Spring 1863, Peter sketched members of the 5th NY Duryee Zouaves who were under his supervision guarding a captured Confederate house along with members of the 146th. There was a rumor that the 5th NY would join the 146th and all would be required to wear the Zouave uniform. Peter wrote that the boys swore they wouldn't wear them big pants, but military power would make a man do most anything down there. The rumor turned out to be true, and after Chancellorsville the units merged and were issued Zouave uniforms. Peter was still in a prisoner exchange camp after being released from Libby Prison, but he wrote that he had seen the uniform and it was the most curious-looking rig he had ever seen.
Bull Run(b:)     Fredericksburg(f:)    Chancellorsville and Libby Prison(c:)    Wilderness(w:)    Alexandria/Washington(a:)    
Discontent and Deserters(d:)   Genealogy(g:)    Recruitment and Draft(r:)   Zouaves and Uniforms(z:)   Medical(m:)   
Newspapers(n:)    Politics and War(p:)   Other Regiments(o:)    Sutlers(s:)    Utica(u:)    Dreams(i:)    

1864-02-25 :  :  Theme: z: g: n: d: p: 
got her letter and fathers, sending picture of himself in uniform,what did she think of newspaper piece, should he write another Julia, sending likenesses of Generals