Peter L. Dumont's Civil War Site Themes    

Dreams in Peter's letters reflected fond memories of home and family. Whether dreaming of their little daughter Ida, or of picking vegetables in their garden, or of helping Clarinda with chores, he took comfort in those happy domestic scenes. They were in stark contrast to the scenes of discomfort, despair, and death that surrounded him. He also described his presentiments (premonitions) that he and Clarinda were going to be punished for lying about a family emergency so he could request a pass to go home on a furlough. The furlough was approved too late for him to go home. In one of his last letters, apparently after Clarinda wrote about her nightmare in which he was not well, he reassured her that he was fine and that his own dreams often turned out to be the opposite. Foreshadowing his inability to get a furlough home and his ultimate death in battle, it seems his happy dreams of home turned out to be the opposite. But her nightmare came true.
Bull Run(b:)     Fredericksburg(f:)    Chancellorsville and Libby Prison(c:)    Wilderness(w:)    Alexandria/Washington(a:)    
Discontent and Deserters(d:)   Genealogy(g:)    Recruitment and Draft(r:)   Zouaves and Uniforms(z:)   Medical(m:)   
Newspapers(n:)    Politics and War(p:)   Other Regiments(o:)    Sutlers(s:)    Utica(u:)    Dreams(i:)    

1862-11-30 :  :  Theme: u: m: d: p: i: 
Camp at Fredericksburgh, her military clothes, his dream, Ida, Peace rumors, hopes to settle it 
1862-12-16 :  :  Theme: f: d: p: i: 
Camp near Fredericksburgh, describes 6 days of Battle of Fredericksburgh in detail 
1862-12-18 :  :  Theme: f: d: i: 
Battle of Fredericksburgh, horrors, retreat, rear guard, lost, bridge destroyed as left 
1862-12-19 :  :  Theme: f: m: d: u: a: i: 
Camp on Potomac Creek, sketch of Fredericksburgh made during bombardment, Tom to General Hospital 
1863-01-11 :  :  Theme: m: d: p: o: u: i: 
guard Gen Warrens hq, daughter of the Regt 17th regulars chased by drunk soldiers, Burnside, Breish trinkets, resignations, all wish war over 
1863-02-19 :  :  Theme: u: m: g: s: p: a: i: 
Tom back, William Jones, Demming, Tom Gray, Sergeant school, her walking to school barefoot 
1863-06-07 :  :  Theme: d: u: g: i: 
no letter from Col which was his hope of getting home, no one allowed to leave, how much are provisions and rent for paddy hole, where is George 
1863-06-18 :06-18-1863t.htm :  Theme: m: p: d: b: o: a: i: 
rumors of another Bull Run, description Menzo Gibbs death on battlefield, sick soldiers, her idea to telegraph, beef bone ring, paired with Fragment 3 
1863-07-04 :  :  Theme: p: g: d: a: i: 
no 4th of July, took telegram to Col who sent to War Dept, dream home so reverse- will not, picture with Fletch new uniform, rumor Lee captured 
1863-07-08 :  :  Theme: d: p: g: u: i: 
Ida sick, Papa girl, Willie, George to picnic, since telegram presentiment Lord will punish, rebels destroyed, tired, Malvina, Harwoods, Justis Place  
1863-08-29 :  :  Theme: p: u: r: g: d: c: i: 
sends picture, discourages hop picking, Utica draft, George, lay awake remembers Chancellorsville, human butchery, in charge Squad No 11 
1863-11-13 :  :  Theme: u: d: g: i: 
suffered a great deal but well, made 2 pictures and got dollar, send him watercolor paints, Kate and Hank, Ida and Willie Sunday School, beau (probably Sarah), Jake 
1864-01-28 :  :  Theme: g: p: i: 
sad she is upset whiskey, guerrilla threat, guard duty, tent mates snoring, Henry Brownell, Rebel revolver relic, Lotty, Joey letter, mother picture, grim monster war 
1864-02-28 :  :  Theme: g: p: i: 
orders to move, 3 days rations, possible Mine Run, new picture, old one does not look like him any more than Abe Lincoln, did not send money, being stolen in mail 
1864-04-01 :  :  Theme: p: z: w: i: 
Col Navy papers, Brig Gen Ayres, now 3rd Brigade, 1st Division, 5th Corp, Gen Warren, Sykes like a father, left, target practice, preparing for terrible conflict 
1864-04-23 :  :  Theme: g: d: p: u: w: i: 
afraid did not pass Navy exam, preparations, officers on soldiers rations, bread and molasses, no communications after 26th, her dream is wrong, he is well 
1864-04-29 :04-29-1864t.htm :  Theme: p: o: d: w: i: 
mail stopped, Burnside 40 thousand men looked worn out, 10 thousand negro troops, fear hard battle, hope Lord spare us to meet again on earth, heaven protect us all