Peter L. Dumont's Civil War Site Themes    
Chancellorsville and Libby Prison

Chancellorsville was Peter's second major battle, where he was captured when his officer did not hear the order to retreat. They were marched to Libby Prison.
After a week, Peter was released from Libby Prison and taken by ocean steamer to a parole camp in Annapolis.
He was then marched to a convalescent camp where he waited for months for a furlough and/or prisoner exchange that never happened.
Peter wrote lengthy letters describing the battle and Libby Prison. He sent home a sketch of Libby Prison and a Bible with numerous sketches that was passed down through our family.
Prisoners revolted over the deplorable camp conditions and were punished by being sent to a more heavily guarded camp and having rations cut. Finally they were sent to a better camp, then back to the battlefield.
Bull Run(b:)     Fredericksburg(f:)    Chancellorsville and Libby Prison(c:)    Wilderness(w:)    Alexandria/Washington(a:)    
Discontent and Deserters(d:)   Genealogy(g:)    Recruitment and Draft(r:)   Zouaves and Uniforms(z:)   Medical(m:)   
Newspapers(n:)    Politics and War(p:)   Other Regiments(o:)    Sutlers(s:)    Utica(u:)    Dreams(i:)    

1863-05-22 :  :  Theme: c: a: 
traveled all over and settled at Convalescent Camp near Alexandria, suffered past weeks, hopes to come home in August, needs money