ŌSuch proceedings will make good men desperate and claim their rights by main force if they can not be obtained any other wayĶ


Camp Convalescent VA

Sunday, August 2, 1863


Dear Clarinda,


I do not feel well at present but am so I can be around.  The weather is so hot the water runs in streams down my body.  I suppose this is the cause of my feeling so.  But I could not let Sunday pass without writing to you.  I hope these few lines will find you all well at home.  I got a letter from George yesterday that has been wrote some time. 


We are not exchanged yet, as I know of, and I canÕt tell when we will be although there is considerable talk here in Camp that we will be in a few days.  But I think it all originates from the thought that it is about the time for the Regular Exchange.  We have not been paid off yet and I canÕt tell for certain whether we will be this week or not.


I have written to Mr. Hart a letter of thanks but did not tell him of his promise.  20 days more and I shall be in the Service one year.  How long it does seem.  I wonder if I will have to say 3 years.  It seems hard and yet I should not feel exactly right to come home to stay with this war unsettled.  I hope it will soon be over with.


The girls write to me it will be a day of great rejoicing to see their Dear Brother home once more.  If they think so much of me, I wish they would show my dear loved wife some of that love.  I would like it far better.


We are now in a camp where we are kept under a close guard and there is not a shade tree to keep us from the burning sun and our tents draws the sun so it is hot as an oven inside almost.  Oh my, it is awful hot today.  I hope you donÕt suffer from such hot weather in Utica.


The prisoners have turned out 2 or 3 times in large bodies to claim their rights as soldiers, but so far they have been unsuccessful.  I am afraid they will do something awful before they get through with it.  They are deprived of all liberties and their rations have been reduced one half.  Such proceedings will make good men desperate and claim their rights by main force if they can not be obtained any other way.


I donÕt know of anything else to write worthy of mention, so I will close for it is so hot.  Give my love to all of the folks and all inquiring friends.  I might just as well been at home these two months as not, if I had received that recommend from the Colonel in time, but it is too late now.  Take good care of your health for my sake and of the little ones.


So I will bid you goodbye for now.  God comfort you in your loneliness.  May your days be long and peaceful through life.


From your husband with love until death,

Sergt. Peter L. Dumont

Co. A, 146 Regt N.Y.



A kiss to all [encircled]